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Sharp ground shake,ugg outlet, shake Tao Ye 's ears again and again, to ascertain the outside of the movement, when informed by listening to those huge monsters and into the caves, Ye Tao joyful hearts, do not make the slightest move, but is to inside depth with. And that massive monster, with automatic locking feature, naturally not chase lost Tao Ye, filed into the room to enter a deep hole. Into the deep hole until a full over one thousand meters deep, into the hole at the end, just turn around and kill Tao Ye past.

With, Ye Tao 's fingertips magical shot burst out again and again, these monsters simply became flesh target, been trying not immune. Suddenly, the sound of screams into the deep hole in successive rings, sudden, bloody. Etc. These monsters wake up, wanted to start crazy when outside the cave exit, but in the back of the body there is a monster ugg sale in constant influx, how can we push to make way, very chaotic scene, and some have even begun to self- phase kill them. This scene lasted ten minutes is considered a stopped being beheaded Ye Tao monster has more than three hundred only, or where repair is the highest, while the lucky escaped, and are entirely of monkey king Scout, after all ugg sale at fifa ultimate team coins monsters repair is the lowest natural speed is the slowest.

