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Boy,ugg boots, it nike free the wrong place. A deep voice sounded. Dumb just walked into the door of the magician trade unions, still thinking back to warm the hearts of Shishu, heard startled, looked around, saw the middle of the lobby on the ground painted a huge magic hexagram, the front wall There is a huge white board that read dozens of names, from high in the end classification, the top title is a mage, not followed by the name, the word written vacancies, the following is a great magician, followed by a name, Here again are the advanced magician, intermediate and junior magician magician magician followed by the name of the primary maximum.

Dumb scratched his head and tentatively asked: here, here, not a magician union it? Old magician still sitting there, and said: Yes, here is the magician union, you please return it, nike free run here, no magician willing to do mercenary. Dumb hesitated, in front of the old magician apparently put him as a mercenary group of people, he quickly waved and said: No, no, not a mercenary ugg boots ugg boots test level is for magician and receive remuneration. Union finally found a magician, not knowing wear magic robe is what it looks like.

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