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Number not much Baiyun Mountain Qianjun of stunned, and this is how to do? The whole day, Qianjun In addition to the construction of fortifications did not do anything else, had wanted to rely on the defense fortifications but think of those in the soil town sturdy Fort in rhubarb Thunder attack fell apart, their own trenches can play what role? The the Guizhou army soldiers listless lying in the trenches, many soldiers looked around to supervise operations team, the guys Angela Wan I, Angela Wan organized several thousand military hand into the in its nike free run Qianjun forces, the establishment of loyalty to their own supervise operations team, way, all Qianjun every move in Angela Wan under the eyes, if not these guys, do not attack rhubarb, Qian Jun own crash the.

Sichuan army to fight over! Guizhou army soldiers called up, hey, enlisted in the army just to mix mouth fed to eat, own not useful lives to exchange consciousness, rhubarb, give a bowl of porridge drink on a full stomach, why to Jiaozhen? Many Qian sergeant With this mood, listless head sticking out of the trenches, blankly looking at the foot of the rhubarb. Five hundred meters away from the foot of the mountain in front of their own, now the silhouette of rhubarb, rhubarb spread to rely on the cover of trees with their own, the woods the depths of Qianjun positions, rhubarb no way, only to let the soldiers alternately forward, sniper try to round burst onto the scene Qianjun but get the large Xiaomaopuoying defenders intelligence, not the number of sniper opportunities the Sichuan army of snipers, most Qianjun soldiers are hiding in the trenches would not look up, which under the Sichuan army had to start surrounded the Baiyun Mountain and Qianjun positions promote the face of rhubarb running for cover offensive, the Guizhou army soldiers rifle can not play any threat determined to resist in order to find a careerists Qianjun soldiers sad finding their own can not Sichuan army offensive opened fire resistance, so close but still found the Sichuan army soldiers continue to charge nothing, and occasionally several Sichuan army soldiers fell, but nike free run 2 behind the Sichuan army soldiers rushing, rhubarb firepower as long as the exposed head was hit by fall.

Suddenly the whole trench burnt beyond recognition, completely unable to find a good site. See the shouting the Sichuan army soldiers from all sides rushed to the dismal Qianjun soldiers have been shocked by the inner line of defense is already fragile command ran back after a crash despite supervise operations team, some supervise operations team due to heart fear began to take the initiative to retreat, rhubarb is only a charge in the battle, let Qianjun lost the first line of defense, and even the confidence of the fighting. A Qianjun the way in retreat was hit, Friends Osaka rifle bullets gave him a cool, the inertia of the bullet He staggered, stumble to the ground, he also struggled to his feet, but the second rounds bullets again shot through his chest, on the ground, he can only futile struggle, and finally an the Sichuan army soldiers stand it anymore, rushed up to the Guizhou army soldiers make up a bayonet, the Guizhou army soldiers this in on the ground to stop struggling, looking at the Qianjun position a little bit of rhubarb eroded of Weiwu Qing murmured in the distance: Do not blame nike free run 3 rhubarb too hard, but you do not know built and set up their homes, just know that predatory use of force He provincial resources, undermining the hard-won peace of Sichuan earth force attack is a declaration of war on rhubarb, rhubarb, rhubarb future will not let anyone out of a land and wealth, this wealth should Sino-Japanese War, can no longer lost in internal friction, save the local strength for the war of the future, is nike free run 3 only thing to do, more than a gun, the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation will be able to multi-armed one, more than one bullet, Japanese soldiers will be able to more than destroy a Japanese invaders, and hope that you will understand, I hope rhubarb, will be able to work on the Anti-Japanese War!

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